
Heidi Montag's Plastic Surgeon Drives off the PCH While Twittering (and sensationalized headlines like this)

Earlier this week, Dr. Frank Ryan, Heidi Montag's plastic surgeon, drove his car off of the PCH minutes after twittering about his dog. The tweeting is the big news angle. Eye catching headlines like these abound: "Did Dr. Frank Ryan Die Because He Was Tweeting?" -CBS
Hey, every story needs a good hook.

CBS' video is even more amazing:
Not to make light of another man's death but, my god… the way the reporter steadies himself to discuss the 'tragic' event is dripping in studied sincerity and sound bite efficiency. Place emotion here. The way he squeezes out the word 'tweeting' makes me very uncomfortable.
I also love Heidi's tweet: "He was an angel... Dr. Frank Ryan changed the world." Well, I don't know about all that but he definitely gave the world fake tits.
Did you notice the funeral? The giant picture of the good doctor in a giant cowboy hat? Maybe he really was a hero. Who can say? After all, he did perform a record ten surgeries in one day on Ms. Montag, transforming her from a vapid twat into an entirely different vapid twat.
All it takes is one look at all those grief stricken faces at the wake to know how much he…uhhhh… shit, I'm not really sure what they…they're confused? But happy? They're tight. I know that. Ah fuck it.
A little piece of us as a nation dies with you, Dr. Ryan, a bit of our souls drives off the PCH in a Jeep Wrangler while tweeting right next to you.
R.I.P. ya big galoot.

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