
Turn Off TVs Wherever You Go! Enjoy The Silence!

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Buy a TV-B-Gone!

Your TV-B-Gone® universal remote control resembles other TV remote controls, but is different in two important ways. First, it only has a power button that allows you to switch a TV on or off. You control when you see, rather than what you see. Second, the device is so small that it easily fits in your pocket, so that you have it handy whenever you need it wherever you go: airports, bars, restaurants, laundromats, etc.

“You can use TV-B-Gone® to control access to television for philosophical or practical reasons, or simply to have fun!“

—Mitch Altman, Inventor of TV-B-Gone®

TV-B-Gone® now features the Instant Reactivation Feature which allows you to turn TVs on or off quickly and easily. TV-B-Gone® is a type of Universal Remote Control which works by shining pulses of invisible light that tells most any TV to turn off or on.


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